Saturday, 28 January 2017

Your chosen movie
1) What film have you chosen?
I have chosen the film Hunger Games

2) Why did you choose this film in particular?
Because its an outstanding film with a rating of 7.2 out of 10 and the genre of the film is Adventure Sci-Fi Action.

1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film? E.g. Warner Brothers, Paramount etc.

The company that was involved in making the hunger games were Lionsgate  and Colour Force.

2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
The distributor for the theatrical release was Lionsgate.

No brand loyalty
1) What genre does your chosen film fit into?
Action Adventure and Dystopian Science Fiction.

2) How can you tell it fits that genre? Be specific with reference to the trailer.
I can tell that its adventure because it has quests and different locations and the reason why I can tell its action is because there are props such as weapons and arrows which have connotations of fighting and violence. There is also deaths which is a narrative feature of action films. I can tell it is science fiction because its futuristic.

3) Does your chosen film have any stars or a director that are known for that particular genre?
In this film
I would say the genre at beginning of the film would be Fantasy the reason for this is because there is a person who is dressed posh and old fashion.

It’s all a matter of timing
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film?
The release of the film was 19th November 2015.

2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? Find the earliest example you can and embed it in your blog.

3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date?

I could only find a teaser trailer before the actual however this trailer is 2011 before the actual release of the trailer

1) What was the word-of-mouth like for your chosen film? If you can’t find tweets (probably blocked) use the IMDB user review rating or the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer rating to judge whether the public have given the movie a good review.

I done my researche on tomato metre and 81% people liked it which is brilliant.

2) Find three quotes (no more than 25 words each) from user reviews of your movie to create a picture of what the public reaction to the film has been. Post them on your blog.

1)"I think it's our tradition. It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history...". 
2) "No? I don't believe it for a second. Look at that face. Handsome man like you. Peeta... tell me."
3)"But I don't think she actually recognised me until the Reaping"
Risky business

Use IMDB to find out the box office records for your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then Box Office/Business. You may want to use the excellent website Box Office Mojo to find out the budget and box office success for the film.

1) What was the original budget for your chosen film?
The original budget was $78,000,000.

2) How much money did the film make in the opening weekend?
It made more than $152,535,747.

3) How much money has the film made in total? (Look for the subheading ‘Gross’ which has the total box-office earnings listed).
The film made in total  $121,774,647 which is incredible 

4) For a film to be considered a box office success, it needs to make at least two-and-a-half times the budget in box office takings. Using this method, was the film you have chosen a success? (Or, if it's a recent release, do you expect it to be a box office success?)

It was a big success because it made more than $407,999,255 which is a big success for the company. 

Stars in their eyes
Research the stars and director for your chosen film.
The stars in the film are Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson.

1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in the same or similar genres?

2) Who is the main star in the film?
The main star in the film is Katniss Everdeen also known as Jennifer Lawrence.

3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
There is also an actor who is big in his acting career called Josh Hutcherson.

4) Are the stars or the director or writer mentioned in the trailer for the film?
yes they are because Jennifer Lawrence is a big actor in the celeb world.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

NCIS movie trailer analysis

The Equalizer


N = narrative (story line)

the Eqaulizer is about a man who's very smart,intelligent and caring man and he helps a lady that is a prostitute and is being abused by a gang. He steps in and handles it with guns violence and knowledge

C = character (people/character types)
the main character is an actor named Denzel Washington  but as a character he is named as Robert McCall He is known as a normal person but if there is trouble he is a merciless assassin and he rescues a girl who is in trouble by a Russian gang

I = iconography (what we can see 
 in this we can see that there is a lot of violence and this young man is a normal person who minding his own business but then he makes a friend then there is a lot of car chasing scenes and a lot fighting and gangs and sadness

S = setting (where it takes place) it took place at boston and during the film Boston is a place where its nice and during the film there is alot of car chases and gunshots and fights  

N = narrative (story line) the story is about an ordinary man that has been kidnap and they are researching about his past and his ancestors  and he is the main character as an assassin 

C = character (people/character types) the main character in the film is Michael Fassbenderin in the trailer we can see that they are testing him and this is also sci-fi and they look into his past and his ancestors there is a lot of violence and assassinations which is brutal and scary not recommended for kids  

I= a man who is been kidnapped and there are scientists/researcher trying to look at his ancestors there is a lot of fighting cashing and assassinations (not recommended for kids but its a brilliant film 

S = setting (where it takes place) it was taking place at Spain Malta

guardians of the galaxy
genre comedy sci-fi  action adventure

N = narrative (story line) the story is about a group of people  who travels the galaxy and seeks to help people and find out the leaders true parentage.

C = character (people/character types) the characters in this film as actors are known as   people love this film because there
 are really   well known actors and they travel the galaxy  

i=iconography in the movie they hear the mix tape 2 because in the 1st film they added the music at the beginning.They also find out the group leaders parents and truth behind him there is also a lot of fighting and there is a lot of spaceship chases and they wear ordinary cloths but space ship style 

S = setting (where it takes place) the movie takes place at Atlanta Georgia but people love this movie because its sci-fi and its funny and its suitable   for kids